Throughout the session, you have been going through the process of influencing policymakers by directly or indirectly writing letters to them. For this assignment, you will develop a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) for radio, television, or a website to further bring attention to the issue you have been writing about. Your product, whichever option you choose, must include a voice-over or recorded PSA. Therefore, you will need access to a microphone for this assignment. The module's required reading from the Community Tool Box covers how to prepare PSAs and when to consider using them. Their examples of PSA scripts are very useful and can give you ideas about how to approach the assignment.
1. Identify the main purpose and target audience of your PSA.
2. Develop a 30-second prerecorded PSA (— 60-75 words) for a radio, a television, or a website. Make sure to submit both your script and prerecorded PSA.
3. Your PSA should include a 'catchphrase' that makes your message memorable. Below are examples of health campaign catchphrases.
• 'Milk does a body good."
• 'This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"
• learned it by watching you.'
• 'Friends don't let friends drive drunk.'
Note: MyTLC Courses only supports the following media formats: AVI, ASF, MOV, MPEG, MPG, MP3, MN*, M4At, M4V., RM, RA, RAM, SWF, and WAV. Please submit an e-ticket if you are having trouble uploading your file and contact your instructor.
Length: 1-page script and a 30-second recording