Law criminal
Determinate vs Indeterminate sentencing. Until the 1970s, most states provided inmates with a mechanism for early release at the discretion of a parole board under an indeterminate sentencing model. “Good time” was used as a mechanism for early release for determinate sentencing whereby inmates were eligible for a day for a day reduction in their sentences. Since that time, determinate sentencing increasingly gained dominance until only very recently, when some states have started to question whether they should revert back to an indeterminate model. For this assignment, compare each sentencing model and provide examples of both. Your 900–1,050-word essay should: Describe indeterminate sentencing and how the parole works.Outline the pros and cons of indeterminate sentencing.Provide"" targetitle="http://sentencing.Provide"">http://sentencing.Provide" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Provide" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Provide">sentencing.Provide">sentencing.Provide">sentencing.Provide a minimum of two real life examples of indeterminate sentencing. Check newspapers or online news http://sources.Describe" target="_blank" title="sources.Describe" target="_blank" title="sources.Describe">sources.Describe">sources.Describe">sources.Describe determinate http://sentencing.Outline" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Outline" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Outline">sentencing.Outline">sentencing.Outline">sentencing.Outline the pros and cons of determinate http://sentencing.Explain" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Explain" target="_blank" title="sentencing.Explain">sentencing.Explain">sentencing.Explain">sentencing.Explain the concept of “good time”Provide a minimum of two real life examples of determinate http://sentencing. " target="_blank" title="sentencing. " target="_blank" title="sentencing. ">sentencing. ">sentencing. ">sentencing.  Format your work consistent with APA guidelines and include a title and reference page. Cite a minimum of three reliable sources within the body of your paper using in-text citations where appropriate.