The role of radical feminism within the larger history of social movement protest

In the decades from the 1950s to the 1970s multiple forms of protest unfolded in American society, from Civil Rights to efforts to expand liberalism and to radical feminism. Some of this protest occurred on the streets and was of the grassroots variety while others existed more within the corridors of power in Washington, D.C.

In considering the role of radical feminism within the larger history of social movement protest in the 1960s and 1970s, write an essay that defends or refutes the following statement: radical feminism was a logical companion protest movement to the civil rights movement. In answering this question define how radical feminists saw themselves vis-à-vis the larger feminist movement and vis-à-vis the rest of society, whether the adjective “radical” is properly applied, and whether this movement should be considered as a united, solitary movement. Why? Defend your answer.

Be sure to draw heavily on the primary documents assigned for Week Eleven. Use the Podcasts and textbook readings as supplement in developing your answer. Remember that the majority of your examples need to come from the primary documents and that they need to be the basis for your argument. Do not use outside, unassigned sources.