Racism in Othello

Topic: racism in Othello Thesis needs to be about how Othello is viewed as “other” archetype as a black man and experiences racism as a consequence of his “other” status. Subtopics Some subtopics to focus on include Iago's racist invectives and the way in which he exposes Othello's tragic flaw of his own self-doubt regarding his identity as a black man; Brabantio's condemnation of Desdemona's marriage to Othello; and Othello's own association of his blackness as not only a flaw but with evil, as conveyed first in his soliloquy in 3.3.299 and when he equates his 'vengeance' with blackness and even 'hell' in 3.3.502: "Aries, black vengeance, from thy hollow hell." All of these subtopics/examples should be explored within your paper Start paper with: a section that focuses on researching the historical background of people of colour in Shakespeare's day, and perhaps even exploring portrayals of Othello's character on stage, first through the racist use of white people wearing 'blackface' into modern-day portrays of Othello by actual actors of colour. 4 different credible, scholarly sources