Unit 4 assignment
Unit  4  Assignment   Unit  outcome(s)  addressed in this  Assignment: ?  Discuss  methods  for  evaluating  quality  of  services  in healthcare settings. ?  Explain importance  of  measuring  business  performance  and quality. ?  Use basic  tools  for  measuring  business  performance and quality. Course  outcome(s)  addressed  in  this  Assignment: HA499-5:  Healthcare  Administration:  Demonstrate an understanding  of  the  forces impacting  health delivery  systems  and the effective and  efficient  management  of healthcare.   Instructions: For  this  Assignment,  you are  required to write a  1,000–1,250-word paper  on  methods  of quality  measurement.  Your  paper  must  include a  detailed summary  of  two different methods  of  quality  measurement  used by  a  healthcare organization.  Include examples of  how  the methods  may  be used to improve organizational  effectiveness.  Give an evaluation  of  these  methods  and indicate when they  should  be  used  for  best  results. Cite  at  least  four  references  to validate your  proposal.  Prepare this  Assignment according  to  the  APA  guidelines. Submitting  your  work: Submit  your  Assignment  to  the appropriate Dropbox.  For  instructions  on submitting  your work,  view  the Dropbox  Guide located  under  Academic  Tools  at  the top of  your  unit page. To  view  your  graded work,  come  back  to the  Dropbox  or  go to the  Gradebook  after  your instructor  has  evaluated it.  Make  sure  that  you save a copy  of  your  submitted  work.