From your home address write the distance (in miles or partial miles) to the following places. Answer any questions associated with the question. This is the scenario: someone in your neighborhood is a 78-year-old female, Mrs. E., and lives alone with her dog in a home she owns. She takes the dog for walks and considers these walks her exercise. Mrs. E. enjoys getting out with people her own age to socialize. She is on medication for mild hypertension but is otherwise healthy. Mrs. E. is on a fixed income, social security, and a small retirement from the job they retired from for a total of $1750 per month. She tries very hard to watch her spending but has to pay for utilities, food, gas, and co-pays for physician visits. She has a son but he works full time and is frequently out of town on business. His wife is very busy with work and taking care of their 3 children. Mrs. E. still drives but only on side streets s she is no longer comfortable on the freeways and does not drive at night.