Module 3: Review/Quiz

Module 3: Review/Quiz 


Module 3 Quiz Review: Vulnerable Population Health Concerns, Part 1

  1. Define genetics and genomics and apply examples, (Pg. 243).
  2. Describe the Human Genome project and discuss its significance as well as the implications for CH nursing practice, (Pg. 244).
  3. Discuss the genomic competences for PH and the implications for nursing practice including the role of the advanced practice nurse, (Pgs. 247-250)
  4. Define Vulnerable population groups and apply examples, (Pg. 716).
  5. Discuss the multi-factorial dynamic of vulnerability including health disparities, impaired access to health care resources, marginalized lifestyles, disenfranchisement, etc. and apply examples, (Pgs. 716-720).
  6. Discuss the key goals of Healthy People 2020 regarding vulnerable groups, (Pgs. 716-717).
  7. Discuss the dimensions Nursing assessments should include about vulnerable populations and apply examples, (Pgs. 724-727).
  8. Describe the unique lifestyle, health care challenges and cultural considerations for migrant workers and their children and apply examples, (Pgs. 751-760).
  9. Discuss the factors that limit adequate provision of health care for migrant populations, (Pgs. 753-755).
  10. Discuss health conditions of a higher prevalence for Latino migrant workers and Latinos in general, (Pg. 757-758).
  11. Describe the underlining factors or cause of depression and stress on adult migrant workers, (Pg. 757-758).
  12. Define Domestic violence and apply examples, (Pg. 826-827).
  13. Discuss the five categories of child abuse, and apply examples, (Pgs. 833-836).
  14. Discuss the factors influencing social and community violence, and apply examples, (Pgs. 827-829).

Module 3 Quiz Instructions

The following quiz will allow you to test your understanding of the content presented this week and to monitor your progress in the course. This is a timed quiz. You will have one minute to answer each question. Select the best answer and mark your response accordingly.  This quiz does not allow backtracking. Changes to the question answer after submission of each question is prohibited.

Complete this quiz by 23:59 Saturday of Module 3.  You will be able to review rationales within the allotted time for the quiz. Following quiz closure, Coaches and faculty are available by email should students have specific questions from the quiz. Note: it is considered academic dishonesty to capture screen shots using any method. 

By submitting this quiz, "I certify these responses are entirely my own work. I have not copied the work of any other student (past or present) or collaborated with anyone on this quiz. In addition, I will not share the questions or answers from this quiz with other students. I understand that academic dishonesty is grounds for dismissal from the program.

You have a time limit of 20 minutes.