Module 4: Video Viewing Assignment 3 - Simplifying a Guide

Simplifying a Guide

Introduction. Health care work places are full of references and guides. Given what we know about human limitations in reading, especially under pressure, it is important to see written materials from the eyes of those who use the materials. We often produce comprehensive education materials, signage, and guides, with little regard to human factors, in this case human abilities to read complex instructions under time pressure.

Expectations. This is an assigned video and you are required to submit your reflections after watching the video.  Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link “Submit Assignment” ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.

Write down your reflection (300 words or less) using this question as a guide:

  • What are some of the things to look for in evaluating written instruction materials?