Module 4: Video Viewing Assignment 4 - Clinician Benefits of High Reliability

Clinician Benefits of High Reliability

Introduction. The concept of high reliability organizations in health care often refers to its benefits to the patients. As we learn more about human factors, we become aware of the negative impact of interruptions, distractions, and confusing work flows. When a work system is designed well, professionals are supported by their environment, and they work together better. The lens of human factors is to encourage us to look at how a work system may be redesigned.

Expectations. This is an assigned video (very brief) and you are required to submit your reflections after watching the video. Click the video link below to watch. Then click the link “Submit Assignment” ABOVE, to show the submission area. You can write your reflections in a file and then copy and paste, or write directly into the space provided. Do not forget to submit.

Write down your reflection (300 words or less) using this question as a guide:

  • How do you explain the benefits of standardized workflows using human factors concepts you have learned?