0.5 / 0.5 pts
Maria learned that sometimes the alarm on patient beds (“bed exit alarm”) was not set properly. Without activation, the staff will not be alerted when the patient may be getting out of the bed, and may fall without assistance. The condition in which the bed exit alarm is not activated when it should be is
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Maria located a 16 page “quick reference guide” on how to use the bed safety features, and found out that no one on her unit actually read the guide. She should expect that
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Maria watched a couple of nurses who had trouble in setting up the bed exit alarm and talked with them. Which of the following is the LEAST that she should expect to find out?
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Maria decided to enlist the help from others to improve the alarm exit alarm usage. A unit clerk suggested that the unit clerk could tell nurses whenever bed exit alarm is not activated. To support the clerk, Maria should expect that
0.5 / 0.5 pts
While working on education efforts on how to use the bed exit alarms, Maria read a study by Shorr et al (2012), which concluded that multi-prone interventions increased bed alarm use in an urban hospital but increased alarm use had no statistically or clinically significant effect on fall-related events or physical restraint use. She should conclude that
[NOTE: Shorr et al (2012) is NOT a required reading. It is provided here for your reference only: Shorr, R.I., Chandler, A.M., Mion, L.C., Waters, T.M., Liu M., Daniels, M.J., Kessler, L.A., Miller, S.T. (2012). Effects of an Intervention to Increase Bed Alarm Use to Prevent Falls in Hospitalized Patients: A Cluster Randomized Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157(10):692-699 (Links to an external site.).]
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Maria wanted to look at patient fall risks in addition to post-fall “huddles” which review patient falls that have occurred. To study the patient fall risk proactively, which of the following Maria should AVOID doing?