Using this topic, Aphra Behn Oroonoko, write a (minimum 6 -8 pg.) essay fully answering the prompt, personal honor.
Part ONE OF THE ASSIGNMENT Term Topic: YOU MAY NOT CONSULT ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT (DONOT Rely or base paper on CRITICAL ESSAYS OR �SPARKNOTES�-TYPE ARTICLES or AIDS!) Using this topic, Aphra Behn� Oroonoko, write a (minimum 6 -8 pg.) essay fully answering the prompt, personal honor. 1. First, write and �clearly� identify a thesis statement on the meaning of this prompt �personal honor� in Aphra Behn�s Oroonoko You must write a thesis statement that makes an argument about the nature of personal honor in the text, and also use quoted evidence from the text to back up your claims. Content is strictly monitored, plagiarism sensitive, must be professionally written in college level content that is competent, relevant, on topic in final draft presentation, needing no revisions or re-editing. PART TWO OF THE ASSIGNMENT IN min 3-5 paragraphs respond to this original response , clearly, articulate & completely? Original Comment to Ignatius Sancho�s Letters, Volume I Letter XIII Sancho's letters hearken back to Proverbs where Solomon says "[i]f your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you" (Proverbs 25:21-22 NIV). Sancho says similar things in his letter, pointing out to his correspondent that "if any have taken advantage either of your guilt or distress, punish them with forgiveness [... and] if you can serve them any in the future time, do it" (Sancho). He points out that they "have experienced mercy and longsuffering in [their] own person --- therefore gratefully remember it, and shew mercy likewise" no matter who the person is (Sancho). Similar to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s passive aggressiveness in the Civil Rights Movement, the idea is that by using civility and mercy where needed, you can change a person's heart and bring them to guilt/repentance for their actions by forgiving them no matter how they slighted/hurt you. People will more readily notice kindness in exchange for violence than if a war breaks out. I find this interesting for Sancho to recommend considering he does speak about slavery and his "contempt of those very wretches who roll in affluence from our labors" but he cautions and says that "yet must you suffer from this --- but armed with truth --- honesty --- and conscious integrity --- you will be sure of the plaudit and countenance of good" (Sancho). He teaches a lesson that we today would do well to learn from as our society has turned into one of "if someone hurts you, hurt them back." We are a society of revenge and reacting, but never considering then acting.