Project strategic implementation
In this Assignment, you will be able to move beyond ideating and assessment to examining the process of strategic implementation in the ever-changing world of business. You will also be able to utilize your experience as a business professional and independent scholar to evaluate the different resources, tools, opportunities, and challenges of implementation. It is not only crucial to determine which tool to use for a particular context or organization, but also how that tool can be most effectively utilized to support the goals of your organization. To prepare for this Assignment, review the readings on tools for strategic change such as those described in Chapter 12 of Dyer, Godfrey, Jensen, and Bryce (2016) and choose one reading for further examination. Consider how the context of a specific organization (industry, geographical location, status within industry, etc.) can influence both the choice and the implementation of your selected tool, as well as how the application of a tool might vary among different business leaders and practitioners. Be sure to utilize scholarly, peer-reviewed resources from the Walden Library to identify additional supportive examples of organizations applying the tools and principles of strategic planning and their results. By Day 7 Submit a 3- to 5-page evaluation of your research on a specific tool for strategic implementation. Your evaluation should include the following: A brief description of your chosen tool, including relevant background, an APA-cited scholarly illustration, and detailed rationale for your choice An assessment of how your chosen tool is affected by different strategic influences (such as environmental factors; internal, organizational considerations; etc.) and whether these changes impact your choice for implementation. Include at least one supportive example. An explanation of the usefulness of your chosen tool to you as a practitioner and independent scholar, including how it will benefit your strategic business leadership. Be sure to provide supportive scholarly examples.