GLIB 3197: Global Business Logistics: Case-Study Instructions,
GLIB 3197: Global Business Logistics Case-Study Instructions, Case Questions are provided in page no. 7 Instructions for Case-Write up 1. Section 1- Introduction & Background: Start the case write-up with a summary of the case (minimum of 1 page and maximum of 2 pages) 2. Section 2 � Perspectives: This section describes the key people in the case as well as from external sources found. Describe the roles of each, and their leadership qualities (it may not be present in the case � do some research) (minimum of two-third of a page and a maximum of 1.5 pages) 3. Section 3- Connection to Logistics & Supply Chain: This section describes how this case and this company are related to logistics; tie it to the learnings in class, and the chapters in the book. What are some of the logistical functions this company would require to focus? (minimum of two-third of a page and a maximum of 1.5 pages) 4. Section 4 � Analysis: This section will describe the SWOT analysis from the case perspective (do not describe SWOT about the company. The SWOT should focus on the current case being discussed). Apart from the SWOT you will have pick one of these supply chain & Logistics theories and explain this case problem on the basis of one of these theories (please note that not all theories applies for all the cases- feel free to google search to learn more about them and apply it to the case), if you are unsure please check with the Instructor: (i) Resource-based view (RBV), (ii) Transaction cost analysis (TCA), (iii) Knowledge-based view (KBV), (iv) Strategic choice theory (SCT) (v) Agency theory (AT), (vi) Channel coordination, (vii) Institutional theory (InT), (viii) Systems theory (ST), (ix) Network perspective (NP), (x) Materials logistics management (MLM), (xi) Just-in-time (JIT), (xii) Material requirements planning (MRP), (xiii) Theory of constraints (TOC), (xiv) Total quality management (TQM), (xv) Agile manufacturing, (xvi) Time-based competition (TBC), (xvii) Quick response manufacturing (QRM), (xviii) Customer relationship management (CRM), (xix) Requirements chain management (RCM), (xx) Available-to-promise (ATP), (xxi) Order management system (OMS) (Minimum of 2.5 pages and maximum of 4 pages) 5. Section 5 � Issues, Actions and Consequences (this should include the questions that were asked): address all the issues the case has including the questions that were asked along with possible course of action and its consequence. You can use the format as issues followed by multiple actions and consequences. (minimum of 2.5 pages and a maximum of 4 pages) Minimum length of written case: 7.5 pages (Times New Roman 12 Font Size, 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margin on all sides) Maximum length of written case: 13 pages (Times New Roman 12 Font Size, 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margin on all sides)