EDMG 330 Research Proposal
a) Final Project Proposal Your Proposal must be an APA-formatted and referenced MS Word document attachment. Your Proposal must include five sections as indicated in the Course Final Project Requirements and Guidelines and below. Your Final Project Proposal should be a 1-2 page long, APA-formatted outline. The outline should include five sections/elements: 1.Title Page (course number, your name, instructor's name, and an anticipated title) Your Research Question or Policy Question (bellow) can serve verbatim as the title of you paper) 2.Problem Background (1-2 paragraphs; you should APA-utilize literature here, showing how other authors see the problem (poor training, possible causes and consequences) 3.Research Question OR Policy Question (e.g., "How should EMS hazardous material incident training in Allegheny County be improved?") 4.Hypothesis or Proposition ("EMS hazardous material incident training in Allegheny County should be improved by doing X, conducting Y, and authorizing Z") you need to prove/support analytically or reject/disprove/declare infeasible bacause X, Y and Z). This in essence becomes your thesis. 5.Tentative Literature/Resources List (at least 8-10 peer-reviewed resources in addition to other resources). Wikipedia IS NOT an authorized or authoritative source. Government (Legislative, Executive, Judicial) resources at any level -- local, state or federal, or media resources -- newspapers, TV, radio, printed or electronic -- can be utilized but they are not peer-reviewed resources. For example, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, International Security, or the course textbooks, are peer-reviewed resources. b) The Final version of your Project which is a refined paper is due by the end of Week 8 and will be submitted under Week 8 Assignments. c) The Final version of your Final Project will be submitted to Turn It In upon submission. Do not plagiarize