ASSIGNMENT 2: STATESMANSHIP AND ETHICS INSTRUCTIONS Read all instructions and the grading rubric carefully before beginning this assignment. You are responsible for reading and understanding these documents. For this assignment you will write a research paper focusing on the role of statesmanship and ethics in public administration. Specifically, you must explain 1) the role statesmanship should play in modern public administration; 2) how the issue of ethics is approached in public administration; and 3) how these matters may be evaluated in light of biblical principles. Research Paper The text of this research paper must be 6–7 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices). This paper must be in current Turabian format with 1-inch margins and 12-pt Times New Roman font. A title page and reference page must be also included. You must include citations to at least 4–7 appropriate sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible) to fully support your assertions and conclusions. This assignment draws heavily from the assigned readings for this module/week and you are expected to illustrate your understanding of those sources. General Instructions This is a graduate-level research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your textbook readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of political economics. You are expected to comport yourself with the highest writing, research, and ethical standards. Additionally, to do well on this assignment, you must conduct high quality research and offer rich, well-supported analysis and evaluation. The emphasis here is on your ability to critically evaluate and analyze the material and to exhibit a nuanced understanding of the substance, dynamics, and ramifications reflected in the subject matter; mere reporting, opinion, or conjecture will not suffice. You must avoid any careless or simple grammar errors such as misspellings, incomplete sentences, comma splices, faulty noun/verb agreement, etc. Such errors will result in substantial point deductions. Oral presentations must be professional, articulate and free of grammar errors, informality, etc. Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited and may result in failure of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or removal from the program. It is your responsibility to ensure that you fully understand what constitutes the various forms of plagiarism and that you avoid all forms of plagiarism.