Pilot assessment of a memory test
4 pages APA SOURCES:6 Top of Form Below is a sample item analysis that shows the summary table of statistics for all items (questions) for a pilot assessment of a memory test. The memory test presents a short video depicting a law enforcement scenario and requires candidates to recall relevant details. The test is comprised of 10 multiple choice questions with four options (A-D). For the sample of 10 items, the correct answer is “A”. Review the item difficulty (P), discrimination [R(IT)], and the distractors (options B-D). Prepare a response to address: 1. What is the difficulty level for each item (i.e., easy, medium, hard)? What is the overall difficulty level of the test? 2. Which item(s) could you remove altogether from the exam? Why? 3. Which distractor(s) would you revise? Why? 4. Which items are working well? Why? 5. What next steps in test development would you recommend? Summary Table of Test Item Statistics: Memory Test N TOTAL = 932 MEAN TOTAL = 69.4 STDEV TOTAL = 10.2 ALPHA = .84 Test Item P R(IT) NC MC MI OMIT Item Response Option A B C D 0.72 0.34 667 71.56 67.66 1 667 187 37 40 0.90 0.21 840 70.11 69.02 1 840 1 81 9 0.60 0.39 561 72.66 65.47 0 561 233 46 92 0.99 -0.06 923 69.34 69.90 0 923 4 5 0 0.94 0.14 876 69.76 68.23 0 876 0 22 34 0.77 -0.01 716 69.34 69.57 0 716 16 30 135 0.47 0.31 432 72.76 66.16 3 432 207 68 165 0.12 0.08 114 71.61 68.39 8 114 318 334 158 0.08 0.04 75 70.78 69.03 0 75 604 184 73 0.35 0.42 330 75.24 63.54 0 339 108 124 183 Length: 4-6 pages .