ISOL633 - Legal, Regulations, Investigations, And Compliance
TOPIC : Healthcare Pharma (i.e. Pfizer, Merck, J&J) ASSIGNMENT 1: ISOL-633 Research Paper Questionnaire Jack A. Hyman, Ph.D.; Summer 2019 Group #_______________ Topic Area_______________________________ DIRECTIONS: Answer these seven questions as best as you can using peer-reviewed literature, well respected news sources (New York Times, Washington Post), textbooks, government cited articles etc. You cannot use blog postings, wiki postings, or Websites unless they are from an authoritative source Helpful hint: This assignment is a stepping stone to begin your research towards your final paper. I HIGHLY suggest you look at the requirements for TEAM ASSIGNMENT #3 each time you complete an assignment to try and capture as much as you can in your work. This will help enrich your response a great deal. You should also save many of the references you use for this assignment for Team Assignment #2 as this will likely save you time for the annotated biblography! QUESTIONS 1. Who are the key industry players that raise a red flag in your industry segment? Why? 2. Why is this industry causing disruption? Cite 3-5 explicit examples. 3. When you conduct an internet search on your topic pertaining to regulatory and compliance issues, what are some of the key regulatory and compliance issues in your business area of concern? 4. Has the federal, state, or local government had to develop specific law or develop measures of compliance to protect citizens and businesses from harm? 5. Evaluate 5-10 Internet Website Privacy Statements for the industry you have been given. Do you see a trend on the type of data that the vendor is concerned about? If so, please state what is the most evident in the statements? 6. How does/has your industry handled its last major data breach? Which legal mechanism is most relevant to your industry of concern? 7. What does literature and your research suggest about how the industry will need to deal with the regulatory concerns over time? ASSIGNMENT 2: The APA explains that an annotated bibliography is essentially a summation of citations to books, articles, Websites, and scholarly documents. Each citation is followed by a short (usually about 150 words) paragraph, “the annotation”. The purpose of completing an annotated bibliography is to gather a comprehensive list of like-kind resources that help an individual or group towards their collective research body. This is inching the group towards their final project. For this assignment, you will need to collect twelve (12)crediblesources. This includes peer review journal articles, books, news articles (not blogs entries), books, or government documents that contribute to the completion of your research paper (Team Assignment #3). In order to gain full credit for this assignment, you must do the following: Cite each entry correctly in APA format. To receive full credit, the citation must be flawless. Provide a substantive well-written description of the entry that is 150-200 words each. The annotated entry must be flawless of grammar errors and contextually relevant to the paper topic to receive full credit. See example citation in APA format on OWL Purdue Website ASSIGNMENT 3: In a double spaced, 10-point Times New Roman Font with 1-inch Margins. You are to write an APA formatted paper answering the following questions. Each question should be concerned a separate section of the paper. Consider each section a header for all purposes. Provide an overview about your industry and why it is relevant to ensuring data regulation and compliance is in place? (1 page) Who are the industry disruptors and how are they disrupting the industry (1/2 page)? What are the specific data standards and types of data that this industry is concerned about? (1/2 – 1 page) When reviewing policy statements on the industry segment Websites and/or mobile applications you were assigned, what are common themes you found? (1-2 pages) Identify and discuss any internal and external organizational threats in the industry assigned? (1/2-1 page) Address any recent significant events in the news that may impact the regulatory, legal, or compliance landscape in the immediate or near future for the industry or like-kind industries (i.e. social media may impact entertainment etc.)? (1/2 page – 1 page) Discuss ways in which the government and/or companies are putting controls in place to protect people and/or their organizations (1 page) Provide your teams recommendation on how to better handle information and data regulation compliance in the industry you just reviewed? (1/2 – 1 page) PRESENTATION DETAILS : You are to present the findings of your Team #3 assignment in a 10-15-minute presentation. The PowerPoint presentation should contain the following in a 10-15 Minute Presentation (your time slot is below). The deck including a cover page should contain NO MORE THAN eleven (11) slides. Each member of the team can ONLYpresent two (2) slideseach. The deck must address the following: The industry assigned Who are the industry disruptors in the space? The specific type(s) of data the industry is concerned about The types of data that are addressed in policy and regulatory statements The internal and external threats that face the organization on a daily basis Recent industry threats/concerns Ways in which the government has puts controls in place Ways in which companies have put controls in place Your suggestions and thoughts on how to address the problem PLEASE ALL THE ASSIGNMENTS ARE INTERRELATED AND I WILL NEED WORD FILE AND PPT AS WELL WITH PROPER APA, CITATION AND REFERENCES AS ASKED.