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Personal Brand Journey

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Personal Brand Journey

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BUS700 – Capstone: Unit 6 Assignment 4 - Capstone Project: Concentration Application

Total Points: 100 


Construct a draft applying concepts and leanings from your

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Financial Education

Financial education is a vital component of life that is often overlooked. It is the process of learning how to manage and make informed decisions about one's fina

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explain tpes of leadership management"

explain tpes of leadership management"

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Writers choice

COUC 502

Benchmark Paper: Developmental Analysis Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this pap

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Environmental scanning

 I need a total of five (10) of the following articles. They should be written from the perspective of a college-aged white American male. 

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Strategic Management Research Project

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, complete with speaker notes for Caterpillar Inc.’s leadership team, in which you sum

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challenges encountered when transporting goods around the world

In this module, students are introduced to some of the challenges encountered when transporting goods around the world. It is vital to consider these challenges when plann

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Impact of employment law on employment relationship; employee rights

write 3000 words on: impact of employment law on employment relationship; employee rights (holidays, maternity leave etc.) and related regulations; termination of employme

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Provide a 3 page essay on business management

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BUS 530 Test Number 1


  1. After you are done, submit your answers to Blackboard. Please submit it as a solution to the assignment.
  2. <

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Online Research Discussion

The purpose of this activity is to experience "hands-on" research of current social networking and e-fundraising. Report your findings by posting a 200-3

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Marketing Challenges in a New Economy

Read the article: “

Business Finance -Accounting

The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) is a common method of group decision making.  The group members will meet to discuss their ideas and all parts of the problem and possible soluti

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Reputation Management

Importance of Reputation Management Write a paper that discusses the importance of reputation management in relation to an organization’s credibility. If a PR person only has

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Food Services

Project has to be 5 to seven pages, APA format  In this project, you will search for information that will enable you to identify three top trends in your profession or field.

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Financial Intermediary

Pick a topic relevant to Risk Management Strategies and write a 10 page paper.  The format of your paper will need to follow the following outline in APA format (include title pa

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Introduction and Review Literature

General Motors set to close a dozen facilities and cut more than 20,000 jobs. On June 1, 2009, General Motors filed for bankruptcy in New York, with $82 billion in assets and $173

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Personal Branding

essay on personal branding (700-900 words)

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Business Finance-Management

Think of your pursuit of your education.  What is your ‘why’ (as opposed to your ‘what’ and ‘how’) as outlined by Simon Sinek?  How can your why help your team in cla

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Case study

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study. Requirements: 1. Your assignment should be written in APA s

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Describe how the NGT can aid in the organizational change process

The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) is a common method of group decision making. The group members will meet to discuss their ideas and all parts of the problem and possible solutio

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Risk Mangt- Phase 3 - Personal Risks And Insurance

Part 1 Explain the various definitions of disability that are found in disability-income insurance. Explain the following disability insurance income provisions: Residual disa

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Business administration

Define the term assent according to business

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How microfinance relate to business?

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About this work(free dancing)

Explain me about this freelancing,am new to it and am interested to learn

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Business papa

What is Required? 1. Six postings for six separate questions, each from a different topic. For example, there are two sets of questions for topic 2; one set is on Franchises and t

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Case Study: Strategic Planning for a Youth Services Organization

Based on this case answer the following questions: What strategies used in this case do you believe can be used by other organizations? If you had to consult with this or

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BUS520 - POSITION PAPER: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 8, worth 250 points

POSITION PAPER: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 8, worth 250 points Power and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture. In business, the culture can make or

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Case Study 1 (week 3) – From HBS Coursepack “Westlake Lanes”

Case Study 1 (week 3) – From HBS Coursepack “Westlake Lanes” Carefully read the case study and complete a 2-3 page paper (double spaced) answering questions that Professor

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Business Structures

***ONLY AUTHORIZED REFERENCE MATERIALS TO USE ARE LISTED BELOW IN HYPERLINKS*** Instructor Notes Law for Small Business Corporate Formation & Financing Sole Proprietorships

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comparison between intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ)

This week was focused on management and leadership. One key aspect that stood out was the comparison between intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). While people wi

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Quality, Ethical, and IT Controls (4 pages)

Quality, Ethical, and IT Controls (4 pages) 1. Based on your proposed organization and structure for the GAH and the Community Clinic, we will now focus on additional aspects pert

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Quality, Ethical, and IT Controls (4 pages)

Quality, Ethical, and IT Controls (4 pages) 1. Based on your proposed organization and structure for the GAH and the Community Clinic, we will now focus on additional aspects pert

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Business Law Reflection

Caesar Barber, from the Bronx, New York, weighs 272 pounds. He filed a lawsuit against McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Wendy’s, and Burger King for contributing to his weig

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Presentation Text And PPT

Do the first presentation and it requires: • 10 minutes • Describe your decision problem and research problems. o Project Title (Do not spend more than 1 minute describing t

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Disruptive Innovation Video Presentation

Your Task You are required to review an organisation case study including information about the organisation’s internal structure, market research techniques, and R&D methodolog

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Devise and design a reverse logistics program for a retail organization

Devise and design a reverse logistics program for a retail organization. You may choose any industry but you must include the following: · Overview of the organization (purpos

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case analysis of Case # 2

case analysis of Case # 2 1. Place an emphasis on the questions at the end of the case. 3. Length: minimum of 1000 words or 4 pages 4. Minimum of two citations beyond the Druck

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Assignment Prompt

This week’s assignment will be to write a 1500 - 2000 word, or a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation, that fully covers the assignment below for module 4. Project Scope is crit

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This assessment is designed with two goals in minds. Throughout your time at CQU you will be required to write literature reviews. This assessment will help understand how to ide

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MAN 4600- Summer 2019

MAN 4600- Summer 2019 MIDDLE EAST 1. Cover Sheet, Regional project, Students Names, Title, professor, Date 2. Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page 3. Table of Cont

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BUS 599: Assignment 5: Business Plan – Final

Assignment 5: Business Plan – Final This assignment consists of two sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials. Note: You must submit both sections

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SAS Visual Analytics and Mapping

SAS Visual Analytics and Mapping Assignment Overview This is a two-part assignment. First, you will complete an exercise including several basic tasks of data exploration within

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opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging global markets: DISCUSSION

Discuss opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging global markets, particularly those with a growing middle class, or those where harsh economic conditions dicta

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Performance Measures

Performance Measures Scenario: In your quest to encourage innovation and entrepreneurial behavior in the medium sized medical equipment company you founded five years ago, you s

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Marketing and Customer Analysis

Marketing and Customer Analysis Using the product, service, or business idea that you developed in the your business plan from the W3 Assignment, evaluate the factors important in

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barriers to innovation and entrepreneurial behavior: DISCUSSION

Discussion Question The following are common organizational barriers to innovation and entrepreneurial behavior: • Lack of management commitment • Vague or missing measures

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Cost of capital

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit you

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ICCPM issues in relation to the GERD project.

Need 1000 words APA Format In Ch.2, we presented Managing Projects With High Complexity by Stephen Hayes and Daniel Bennett and the issues highlighted by ICCPM Roundtables. We

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Operating A Successful Restaurant

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Outline a food safety plan which utilizes the seven (7) basic steps of the Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point (HACCP

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PhD candidates should provide an authentic personal statement reflecting on their own personal interest. In the event that any outside resources are used, those should be cited in

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Calculating WACC (Finance)

Consider two companies: United States steel (X) and Facebook (FB). Look at the profiles (financial statements for 2016) of each on yahoo finance and discuss the followings (you

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Executive summary

Required: A) Executive summary B) Historical overview of the Clorox company and products and/or services provided by that company. C) Analysis of economy and industr

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developing a new self-propelled, robotic lawn mower

Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new self-propelled, robotic lawn mower, similar to the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner, to introduce into the mark

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Case study

Instructions Consider the following scenario: A prospective client has come to you for advice on the next financial move he or she should make to more thoroughly diversify his or

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Discussion on motivation at work

question:What is the most important motivator for you at work? (100 words). money doesn't count. -Note: Include how you make an impact with colleagues and customers at the ba

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Ethics and Social Responsibility: Mid-Term Exam

Ethics and Social Responsibility Mid-Term Exam Please answer the following questions in a thorough and consistent manner. Citations are not required. Each question is worth 25

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GLIB 3197: Global Business Logistics: Case-Study Instructions,

GLIB 3197: Global Business Logistics Case-Study Instructions, Case Questions are provided in page no. 7 Instructions for Case-Write up 1. Section 1- Introduction & Background

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Investment analysis and portfolio

What are the advantages of international investment

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The group project asks you to analyze strategies of a company to understand how the company competes in that industry. The objective of the group project is to help you prepare f

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Decision Making Problem Solving

Assignment Regulations: � This assignment is an individual assignment. � All students are encouraged to use their own word. � Student must apply Harvard Referencing St

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business Ethics on Banks' Employees and Customers in Islamic Banks

INSTRUCTIONS 1. To write a research paper titled �The Impact of business Ethics on Banks� Employees and Customers in Islamic Banks.� 2. This paper should be more than 500

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Assignment 2: LASA 2 Assignment: Workforce 2020 Executive Report

Assignment 2: LASA 2 Assignment�Workforce 2020 Executive Report Both leadership and organizational strategy in the next decade will see major trends affecting the way organizat

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DISCUSSION: Business Decisions

Selecting business decisions based on multiple choices (small or large) will always impact the future of the organization, and sometimes the choices not made or acted upon can have

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Business performance management processes

Deliverable Length: Word document of 4�5 pages (excluding references and cover page) Using the major business performance management (BPM) processes, describe the general p

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business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy

In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignments 1 and 2. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Sec

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Discussion Questions - Improving Processes and Process Design

Improving Processes and Process Design 1. Coca-Cola is a well-established consumer products company with a strong position in the global market. The sales of its core soda produ

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Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization

Write a short report illustrating an example of a project undertaken by a company, municipality, or non-profit organization demonstrating how this project links to the organization

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Brick & Mortar vs. Brick & Click vs. Click & Buy. Today's retail world is increasingly moving online in an effort to woo customers. Research and identify a retailer from each

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Charismatic and Transformational Leader

Please discuss the characteristics of a charismatic and transformational leader. How are they both similar and different? Please discuss an individual you believe to be either a

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Now that you are familiar with three of the main approaches to qualitative analysis (Phenomenological, Case Study, and Grounded Theory) select one that would be best suited for you

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Global Market Decision Theory

Analyzing Leadership Decisions The Portfolio Project is a thoughtful analysis of an ineffective or poor leadership decision. You may use a well-known leadership decision, such a

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Case #9, FreshDirect: How Fresh Is It?

This week, you will work on Case #9, FreshDirect: How Fresh Is It? within your text. Keep in mind the structure of your written report as it is critical. All reports begin with an

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Communications theories, research, and conversation

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply communication theories and research to actual business situations. The discus

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Alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint

In this assignment, you will research alternative applications to Microsoft� PowerPoint� and practice using PowerPoint� to present those alternatives and make a recommendation. You

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CEC 101 Project

Your Final Project for this course will be based on your learning from all five weeks of this course. As with each of your assignments these last 5 weeks, the Final Project serves

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Project strategic implementation

In this Assignment, you will be able to move beyond ideating and assessment to examining the process of strategic implementation in the ever-changing world of business. You will al

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For this assignment you will write a paper of 5to 7 pages based on the case, stepsmart fitness. In your paper, you are to develop your analysis and recommendation for action. Your

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Final Assignment (due in week 7)

There are 2 written assignments due for this course. We will be using a �building block� approach and your midterm assignment will be a stepping stone toward helping you complete

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Mid-term assignment (due in week 4)

There are 2 written assignments due for this course. We will be using a �building block� approach and your midterm assignment will be a stepping stone toward helping you complete

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Assignment Staffing and Compensation Plan

Develop a 750-1,000 word high level staffing and compensation plan. The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to the course objectives.

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Essay topic: Reflecting on the concepts you have studied in the course, research a company and discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding it. You will need to research the co

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Principles of marketing

Due Week 4 and worth 175 points Click here and for a step by step video tutorial on this assignment. In this assignment, you will create a Positioning Statement and Motto for

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MOD 2 SLP - MKT599

THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT, INTERNAL PROFILE, AND SWOT Simulation Wonder Company Simulation Simulation The Module 2 SLP requires that you continue with the scenario and simulatio

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NAB Company Description and SWOT Analysis

In this assignment, you will conduct a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected, and for your company overall. As you

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Gross Domestic Product

Follow the steps below to obtain real-world information about GDP growth pattern from the Bureau of Economic Analysis to assess GDP current situation. Use your findings to answer

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Assignment Staffing and Compensation Plan

Develop a 750-1,000 word high level staffing and compensation plan. The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that make relevant connections to the course objectives.

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Essay topic: Reflecting on the concepts you have studied in the course, research a company and discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding it. You will need to research the co

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Principles of marketing

Due Week 4 and worth 175 points Click here and for a step by step video tutorial on this assignment. In this assignment, you will create a Positioning Statement and Motto for

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Logistics Activities

Scenario: Oracle Corporation is building a large new campus for cloud computing support in Austin, Texas. They have selected Dell Computer Corporation, located in neighboring Roun

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